This blog created by Robert Rice Brandt, during his PhD work in Digital Signal Processing, in Campina Grande, PB, Brazil. Several routines were written, each one with it's own page.
His main page is at RRBrandt and in the Routines for DSP directory there is the source code for each routine.
These routines may be used freely for research, as long as they are not sold for profit. To be packaged and sold, the author must be contacted, and approval obtained.
Of course, if you wish, you may thank the author, or even send him some cash to get a pizza or a burger.
Send him a comment from one of the pages in this blog, and he will receive an email with your comments. He can then answer directly (by email) or post your comment to the corresponding blog page and answer there.
Thank you for your visit.
Go to the main blog page.